Our Prayer List

Linda Driscoll's Dad
Requested by:
Dave Reiner
I ask that the Church pray for Jerry (Linda Driscoll's Dad) and for Linda. Jerry is currently in the hospital. Specifically, that his medical team may find an answer to be able to get Jerry back on his feet!
Arasi Puni's Health
Requested by:
Pastor Meshach Soli
Please pray for the health of my mother-in-law as we are trying to get her to the states from Samoa safely for medical attention. Her name is Arasi Puni.

Answered Prayers

Heart Attack
Requested by:
Ron Garcia
As many of you know, I (Ron Garcia) recently suffered through a heart attack. I just ask that you continue to pray for my recovery and that you help me and my family have the willpower and support to make big lifestyle changes to be healthier and more active.
Thank you for prayers. After a few procedures and some changes to his diet and exercise routine, Ron is feeling much better. Praise God for the advances to modern medicine that have helped Ron recover.
Leukemia Diagnosis
Requested by:
Ron Garcia
CJ is only 13 years old and was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Please keep CJ and his family in your prayers that they may find peace and get all the support they need during this stressful time and that CJ continues to recover.
CJ continues to get better and has been on the ongoing road to full recovery thanks to everyone's prayers.
Cancer Diagnosis
Requested by:
Ronnie Garcia
A friend of mine from high school was recently diagnosed with cancer. I'm asking for prayers that he can beat the cancer and also that his family will have the strength and courage to get through this battle with him. We know that God is the ultimate healer!
Praise be to God! Ron's friend has gone into full remission and has a great outlook on his life and future.
Successful Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction
Requested by:
Ronnie Garcia
I'll be going in for septoplasty surgery on Friday, Feb 19th and would like to ask for prayers that God will be the surgeon in charge at the operating table. Even though this is a common outpatient surgery, anything can happen. But in Gods hands, only good can happen.
Surgery went well and my nose is healing great! Thank you for all you prayers!

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